Gioro Company was born in 1996 from the intuition of Alessandro and Enrico of proposing to the foreing and Italian market gold jewels, comparing themselves with the culture, customs and the traditions of the people who wear our jewels today. Fantasy, creativity and, most of all, passion, this is the world of Gioro.
For the production of our articles, which are entirely homemade, are used different styles and techniques, we use several barrels in different measures and sections ( circled, squared, rectangular and oval) combined with several manufactorings (torcion, smooth and knurled ) we use different colors of gold, giving to the client the possibility to personalize his/her jewel. The articles go from slave bracelets to necklaces and bracelets fantasy, earrings and pendents.
The market of the company gioro expands to national territory and, even more, to the foreing one satisfying its clients with professionality and courtesy.